What are the eligibility criteria? 

  • Applicants must be a student enrolled in any UNSW degree by coursework (both full-time or part-time permitted). Strong priority will be given to students in their penultimate year of study with a demonstrated interest in human rights and/or development work.

  • Applicants must have at least one subject to complete upon return from their Fellowship Program.   

  • Applicants must have a WAM of 70+ at the time of applying. 

  • Applicants must have the ability to complete the fellowship without compromising their studies, including assessments and examination periods.   

  • Applicants must be willing to provide testimonials about the fellowship experience for use in Institute communications and promotions, including photos and/or videos of their time at the host organisation.

  • Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in human rights and/or development issues. 

How do I apply?  

Applications for 2024/25 fellowships will open later this year. The below supporting documents will be required to attach to your application:  

  • CV – up to date, including your education, professional and volunteer experience etc. (max 2 pages) 

  • Cover letter – outlining your reasons for applying for the fellowship program; your preferences with a justification; your interest in the work and mission of each organisation you are applying for; and your human rights/international development study or work experience. (Max. 500 words in length) 

  • Academic transcript    

What are the key dates for 2024/25? 

  • Monday, 5 August – applications open 
  • 5pm Sunday, 1 September – applications close 
  • Mid-late September – shortlisted interviews 
  • October – successful candidates notified
  • Mid-late October – Global Student Fellowship Information session
  • December 2024 – February 2025 – Fellowship period 

How long is the fellowship? 

Fellowships are for a period of no less than six weeks and will take place during the university summer break. The start and end dates of each fellowship period can vary depending on the host organisation, although all fellowships must be completed prior to the end of February.  

Are fellowships in-person or remote? 

Fellowships may involve (subject to the agreement of the host organisation) in-person and/or remote participation, but we strongly recommend prioritising in-person participation for at least a portion of the fellowship. For overseas fellowships, students must spend at least three weeks in-country at the beginning of their fellowship.  

Are fellowships full-time or part-time? 

Whether the fellowship is full-time or part-time (or mixed) is to be discussed with your host organisation and subject to their agreement. In the past, fellows have done a mix of arrangements. Host organisations may state their preference for full-time or part-time, so please consider this when noting your preferences.  

What is the fellowship award? 

Successful students will receive a $6,500 AU award (no GST).   

Students will receive this award via the ER1 Student reimbursement form

Students will receive the $6,500 award regardless of domestic or international fellowships. 

What is the student agreement? 

Prior to commencing the fellowship, selected students will be sent a Student Agreement Form to sign. Students are advised to keep a record of this signed agreement for future reference. This agreement will outline the dates of the fellowship, and other key information.  

What training do I need to undertake?

Fellows must complete the UNSW Sexual Misconduct training module via Moodle prior to the start of their fellowship. Students will be provided access to the module for completion once the Student Agreement and Information form is signed. Evidence of training completion must be shared with the Institute.

Student Fellows must also be willing to participate in any host organisation induction training including workplace health and safety training.

What do I have to do about visas and permits? 

Students travelling overseas for their fellowship may be required to obtain a visa or permit. Students are responsible for organising their own visa or permit. The Institute can provide information on the relevant visas and permits for each fellowship opportunity.  

How do I book flights and accommodation? 

If you are undertaking a student fellowship overseas, you will be responsible for booking and paying for your own flights and accommodation.   

Students will need to obtain pre-trip approval for their trip through the UNSW MyTravel system. The Institute will assist students with this process.   

What insurance is required (for both domestic and international fellowships)? 

UNSW students are covered by UNSW insurance for both domestic and international fellowships.   

When travelling, UNSW students will be covered by UNSW travel insurance after obtaining pre-trip approval via the MyTravel system.  

What Institute support is available? 

The Institute will be in touch with you throughout your fellowship, and will be on hand to support you with any queries or issues. The Institute Director and Program Manager will meet with all fellows as a group before their fellowships start, mid-way through the fellowship period, and toward the end of the fellowship period.   

Are their any other requirements?

Student fellow are required to:

  • Perform their duties faithfully and diligently and conduct yourself in accordance with the values and standards of the University;
  • Comply with all lawful and reasonable directions given to them by the host organisation;
  • Devote their time, attention and skill to the performance of duties during business hours and at other times as reasonably necessary; 
  • Endeavour to attend all program meetings;
  • Be willing to submit a personal profile for the Australian Human Rights Institute website and associated communications;
  • Take some photographs and/or video during their fellowship (with permission) which may be used in promotional material;
  • Notify the Institute in writing of any changes to their commitments and/or ability to complete the fellowship at any time. By participating in the program, students will join the alumni group of Global Student Fellows and will be invited to Institute events as relevant. 
  • If a workplace risk issue arises during the fellowship, Fellows must follow the host organisational procedure and let their host organisation supervisor and Institute contact know, if appropriate. If an unforeseen risk issue arises (such as physical injury or sexual misconduct) students should contact their host organisation supervisor and the Institute contact immediately;
  • Complete a brief online post-fellowship feedback survey.