We encourage Institute Associates to explore our various funding opportunities, and apply for the most suitable scheme.You can learn more about the successful recipients of all our seed funding grants here.

Institute Seed Funding Scheme 

UNSW academic staff who have had their applications approved to become an Australian Human Rights Institute Associate are eligible each year to apply for seed funding grants in the range of $5,000-$10,000.  

The Institute welcomes all seed funding applications that have a human rights focus. PhD students are not eligible for seed funding.

Guidelines are available here.

The 2024 Seed Funding Scheme has now closed. Applications will reopen in early 2025.

Joint Seed Funding Scheme 

The Australian Human Rights Institute partnered with the Disability Innovation Institute and the Faculty of Engineering to offer two Joint Seed Funding Grants in 2024. 

The Joint Disability Human Rights Research Grant provided $20,000 to a disability-related research project. Associates from any area of the university working on disability-related research projects are invited to apply.  

Applications for 2024 are now closed. You can view guidelines here.  

The Joint Engineering Human Rights Research Grant provided up to $20,000 to Associate applicants from the Faculty of Engineering working on research at the intersection of engineering and human rights.   

Applications for 2024 are now closed. You can view guidelines here.

Small Funding Scheme 

The Small Funding Scheme offers grants up to $1,000 (max.) to all Institute Associates (academics and PhDs) year-round, starting January 1 each year. 

Guidelines are available here

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Apply here.

Request for Support  

Associates can apply for a range of communications and event support. To help us evaluate your request, please complete the form here. Please note approval is subject to team capacity and availability.