Australian Journal of Human Rights seeking expressions of interest for Editorial Board

The Australian Journal of Human Rights (AJHR) is Australia’s premier journal in the field, committed to interdisciplinarity and a wide range of perspectives. 

The AJHR is now seeking expressions of interest to fill three senior positions on its Editorial Board: a Co-Editor-in-Chief (EiC) and two Current Perspectives Editors.


The AJHR is seeking expressions of interest from UNSW academics at level C or above for the position of Co-Editor-in-Chief (EiC). The position commences in May 2023 and runs to December 2024, potentially renewable for an additional two years.

In conjunction with the other members of the Senior Editorial Team (EiC, Current Perspectives editors, Managing Editor and Executive Editor, the latter also being the Director of the Australian Human Rights Institute), the EiC has primary responsibility for the Journal’s functioning.  

Duties of the EIC include: 

  • Primary responsibility for the Articles and Commentaries sections of the Journal (undertaking initial assessments of all submissions;providing advice on potential reviewers;assessing reviews to determine publication status) 
  • In consultation with the Editorial Board, lead the strategic direction of the Journal.  
  • Act as the Faculty of Law & Justice contact for AJHR interns and support the Managing Editor to ensure interns complete any required assessments.
  • Encourage contributions of scholarly work to the Journal.  
  • In consultation with the Executive Editor and the Senior Editorial Team, (re)appoint members of the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board.  
  • To consider and arbitrate any grievances and disputes internally within the Journal or involving external stakeholders and the Journal.  
  • With the Executive Editor, negotiate the terms of the contract with the publisher of the Journal.  

Current Perspective editors

The AJHR is seeking expressions of interest from academics at level C or above, preferably from UNSW, for two Current Perspectives Editor positions. The positions commence in May 2023 for a three-year term, renewable for an additional two years. 

The Current Perspectives Editors have primary responsibility for the Current Perspectives section of the Journal, reviewing all Current Perspectives to determine publication status. As part of the AJHR’s Senior Editorial Team, the Current Perspectives Editors contribute to decisions on the functioning of the Journal and encourage the contribution of scholarly work to the Journal, particularly but not limited to the Current Perspectives section.

If you are interested, please submit an Expression of Interest to the AJHR Executive Editor Justine Nolan via by 30 March 2023. This informal application should specify which position you are interested in, include one or two sentences on your work in the field / disciplinary perspectives on human rights, and a CV.