Everyone should enjoy quality healthcare, a secure place to call home, and dignified treatment. But these basics are not always the reality for many older people, as highlighted just recently with the Royal Commission into Aged Care.

With one-in-six people in Australia aged over 65, what difference could enforceable human rights standards like the human rights charters make to challenge injustice and improve government laws and services?

Hear from a panel of experts, including Corey Irlam (Deputy CEO of the Council of The Ageing), Mary Ann Baquero Geronimo (CEO of the Federation of Ethnic Community Councils of Australia), Helen Dalley-Fisher (Convener of Equality Rights Alliance), and Daney Faddoul (Campaign Manager at the Human Rights Law Centre).

Moderated by Professor Andrew Byrnes, and co-hosted by the Human Rights Law Centre and Australian Human Rights Institute at UNSW Sydney.
